Entrust CEO Richard has been in the job for 15 years, growing the organisation from its humble beginnings. Mentee of our founder Eugene Veith, Richard was encouraged to take on the challenge of continuing what Eugene started, helping the poor and oppressed in the forgotten parts of the world. Recently, Richard was asked for 15 things he’s learnt on this journey so far. Not surprisingly, he came up with 20!
What I’ve learnt working with the poorest & richest people on the planet:
- Solid relationships are the key driver in all matters.
- It takes time to build trust.
- It’s easy to talk – to deliver is much more difficult.
- Just ‘cos I come from the West – doesn’t mean I have the answers.
- The poor are often very smart and extremely clever.
- If you select like-minded people to work with – you can go far together.
- Take risks. You will grow as a person and learn a lot about what drives you.
- Do what you love – ensure your career makes a difference to others.
- Always put others first – think “what can I contribute to them”, not “what’s in this for me?”
- My faith has been my foundation in all matters of my life.
- Travel not only broadens your mind, if you go to tough places, it broadens your heart as well.
- Select people to work with who are way smarter than you.
- Culture changes the way we view the world, but in our hearts, we are driven by the same emotions.
- My greatest joy in life is serving others – family, team members, donors and overseas partners.
- Governance is painful for me, but without it I can do little of any significance.
- When flying cattle class – avoid the seat by the loo.
- Grab every opportunity we get that takes us out of our comfort zone.
- Money is like manure. If you pile it up it stinks – if you spread it around – it will do some good!
- Listen long and talk short. You will learn more and be considered wise.
- Be generous, with your time, possessions and money. You cannot take them with you!
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jnr.
So much more to learn.