Strengthening Clean Water
Water & SanitationPopulation:
89.6 millionHuman Dev Index:
#179 (Aus #5)Jun 24
This fifth project with our partner will fund support and strengthen previous water projects on Idjwi in Lake Kivu, eastern DRC. The focus will be twofold: the restoration and upgrading of 17 existing water sources together with further water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) training for local water management committees within these remote and poor communities. Clean water for Idjwi is much-needed and requested, benefitting families and other social structures such as health centres, schools and local churches/community centres, including disadvantaged pygmy communities. The project complements a government program designed to reduce the morbidity and mortality caused by unclean water and poor, or no, knowledge of WASH in villages and schools.
Why support this
Our partner has provided clean water to a number of other villages across the island of Idjwi reducing disease and increasing access to clean water, taking the burden off girls and women in walking long distances. The local communities assist with the labour towards the upgrades and maintenance, to help ensure buy-in. It is imperative to the long-term success of water projects that local village Water Committees participate in targeted and ongoing training and work closely with health authorities.
$44,500 for a 1 yr project
Objectives Include
- Capacity building for local Water Committees
- Monitoring of a further 11 water sources
- Upgrading of 17 water sources
- Funds for construction materials
Expected Life Change
- Improved health and productivity as a result of access to clean water
- Reduction in the burden for women and children having to walk long distances to collect water – this means more children in school, and women can spend more time on income-generating activities
- Communities empowered to look after their own needs, through establishing and maintaining Water Management Committees