Empowering & Protecting Families - Year 2
Economic EmpowermentPopulation:
16.9 MillionHuman Dev Index:
#146 (Aus #5)Jan 26
Mondulkiri province is situated in the north-eastern highlands of Cambodia and is home to a large population of indigenous groups, primarily the Bunong people. This community is among the most impoverished in the nation, with alarming rates of violence, low educational outcomes, and high teenage pregnancies. Our partner works to empower the poorest of the poor to become agents of change within their communities. The goals of this project are firstly for vulnerable Bunong families to have improved, sustainable household incomes and secondly, for community members to acquire the knowledge and capacity to safeguard their women, children and youth.
Why support this
The two focus areas of this project, economic empowerment and protection/safeguarding, will be transformational in the 7 selected villages in this region. First, household incomes will be improved by training Bunong farmers and households in cultivating high-value horticultural crops, emphasizing sustainable production methods. Youth will be empowered with the provision of entrepreneurship, life skills, and financial literacy training. Secondly, Bunong women and children will feel safe and protected from various forms of violence, including Sexual-GBV, Human Trafficking, and online sexual exploitation of children, through education and protection strategies. Local authorities and social workforce/service providers will also be trained to provide support to victims of GBV.
$38,000 for year 2 of a 3yr project. Total budget $114,000
Objectives Include
- Sustainable cultivation of high value crops to improve household incomes
- Bunong women, youth and children feel safe and are protected from all forms of violence
Expected Life Change
- Vulnerable Bunong families have an increase in household income, enabling support of their children in school.
- Communities have an improved knowledge of gender equality and different forms of gender-based violence, and are empowered and equipped to support schools and lead in safeguarding activities that create a safe community.