A gentle whisper in the streets, a powerful wind in the mountains
Thailand is rich in natural beauty, culture and tourism. Although it is deeply rooted in Buddhism, it also grapples with the harsh realities of human trafficking and corruption. Our partners in Thailand, know this all too well – which is why they do what they do. By focusing their efforts on empowering young local students to become Christian leaders in their communities, they not only offer a hope-filled path for these individuals but also extend that hope to everyone they encounter. Students are encouraged to share the gospel unashamedly, while also facilitating community development initiatives such as human-trafficking awareness campaigns. Many of the students have experienced their own troubled background.
Our partners shared an encounter they had with an older man while they were handing out tracts in the street markets of Chang-Mai. The outreach leader started a conversation with him, after noticing how eagerly he read through the tract. The older man was deeply troubled. He confessed the main reason he read the track was because he saw the word “justice” on the front. He was going through legal troubles, after losing his temper and becoming violent with someone. Even though he had admitted his wrong-doing and tried to make amends, the odds of a positive legal outcome weren’t in his favour, as the man he hit had a lot of influential connections. The outreach leader had an opportunity to pray for him and share the gospel with him. The older man said he felt so encouraged, and clearly walked away a little lighter. He didn’t make a commitment then, but they exchanged numbers. Our partners pray that the seeds sown would bear good fruit in the older man’s heart.
The students also made the treacherous journey up the mountain for a three-day outreach trip to meet and share the good news of Jesus with a hill tribe. They ministered in the village and prayed for anyone who wanted and needed it. They then visited the local church, their visit doubling the usual attendance of 50, with many asking for prayer and giving their lives to Jesus! The pastor was overwhelmed and so encouraged by the response of the community and with the passion of the young leaders. It was a huge answer to a year-long prayer of his!
These young Christian leaders also visited two primary schools in the mountains and ran their human-trafficking awareness campaign as well as sharing the gospel. Many children gave their lives to Jesus and came away with vital information on how to avoid dangerous situations. Hope in Jesus and hope for a better life! During these three days, the outreach mission saw 234 people give their lives to Jesus, truly amazing!
(note: the above project is funded by Mission Enterprises (VIC) Ltd and is not tax deductible)

One Meal, One Gift and One Message of Hope – Aye’s Story
Miss Aye, a Buddhist convert from Shan State, Myanmar, near the border with China, shared the story of how one meal changed her life.
Raised in a family deeply rooted in Buddhism, Aye followed the teachings and practices of her faith without question. For years, she embraced the Buddhist way of life, never imagining the spiritual change that would eventually unfold.
Aye attended the “One Meal, One Gift, One Christmas” event organised by our partners in Myanmar. She initially saw the Christmas story simply as another religious teaching. While she listened attentively, she didn’t feel an immediate connection. Yet, something about the story of Jesus’ birth, sparked within in her.
Aye started to question ‘Do I have assurance for life after death?’ Reflecting on the Buddhist teachings, she became deeply troubled by the consequences of sin. The more she thought about it, the more hopeless she felt. The teachings she had known seemed to offer no answers. In this moment of uncertainty, she felt a strong desire to seek a deeper understanding.
Longing to understand the true meaning of what she heard, Aye reached out to the Pastor who had delivered the Christmas message. With some friends, she was able to attend a two-day seminar on salvation through Jesus Christ, led by the same Pastor. It was during this seminar that the truth became clear to her: she was desperately in need of Jesus Christ. For the first time, she understood the depth of the salvation He offered, and she felt a sense of clarity she had never experienced before.
On that day, Miss Aye made the life-changing decision to accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. Later, she took the step of baptism, a public declaration of her faith. Since her baptism, Aye’s life has been transformed. She now lives with a sense of hope and purpose that she never thought possible. She prays fervently that her family members, as well as fellow Buddhists who follow animistic practices, will come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Aye herself has become a passionate witness for Jesus, eager to share the gospel with friends and others who have yet to encounter His love.
Aye is deeply grateful to our partners for creating opportunities for people like her to hear the gospel. Her walk with Christ has just begun, and she is excited to witness the lives that will be touched by His grace in the years to come.
(note: the above project is funded by Mission Enterprises (VIC) Ltd and is not tax deductible)