Building Peaceful Communities - Year 3
Economic EmpowermentPopulation:
89.6 millionHuman Dev Index:
#179 (Aus #5)Sep 25
In an area ravaged by ongoing civil conflict and natural disasters, our partners offer compassionate and relevant healthcare together with community development to the marginalized, vulnerable and needy. This project will establish eight local village leadership committees of men and women in Goma and on Idjwi Island to bring about justice and empowerment in their communities. Through training and capacity building, local leaders from all groups will come together to effectively contribute to peace and stabilisation. It will help reduce sexual and gender-based violence through conflict resolution and mediation, and establish practices for long-lasting community development. Support for some small economic activities is included and organised by the committees. Further training for established committees is also planned.
Why support this
Ranked as the 5th most fragile country in the world where people have been denied justice and peace for so long, the fabric of society breaks down. Good leadership is lacking and a culture of violence, fear and lawlessness takes over. Our partner's model has a proven track record, working effectively and strategically for over 13 years. These communities have been deeply affected by repetitive wars and insecurity, and have fled their homes at times, adding to the trauma. This positive community building benefits thousands of villagers and provides a sound justice system where there is none.
$66,500 for year 3 of a 3 yr project. Total budget $199,500.
Objectives Include
- Capacity building for 108 leaders
- Community consultation visits - 6 per week
- Resolution of community conflict cases
- Microloans and income generating activities
Expected Life Change
- Villagers will feel empowered and safe in their communities
- Peaceful and fair outcomes will help build a cohesive community, bringing hope, justice, stability and trust to re-build lives
- Small loans for start-up businesses will result in children attending school and better health through nutrition and access to medicines, together with self esteem and pride