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Creative Children's Clubs - Year 1








45.7 million

Human Dev Index:

#166 (Aus #5)
Budget $

Fully Funded

Project Timeline


Our partners in Uganda run 19 children’s clubs in Mbale, working with vulnerable children in some of the poorest communities in the region. Our funding will provide additional training for the leaders of the clubs in the areas of counseling and reproductive health, provide training for parents on issues associated with raising children and supplement educational ‘stores’ in the clubs. These stores are places where children can ‘purchase’ items for school or basic hygiene through rewards collected throughout the year for attendance and good behaviour.

Why support this

We love the fact that children are motivated, empowered and positive behaviour is rewarded, as they can earn desperately required school or basic hygiene supplies. This teaches them about budgeting and prioritization, with rewards included! A lot of thought by our partners has gone into further developing the leaders potential by providing them with training which will allow them to better help the children they work with. This training is focused especially in key areas where the children have needs. Lastly they work with parents, giving advice and support to help them effectively raise their children, ensuring that lessons learnt by the children are re-enforced at home, and not eroded.

Objectives Include

  • Half of the population in Uganda is under the age of 16.
  • This leaves very little adult population to provide positive role modeling, care and attention, and average family size is large.
  • Teen pregnancy is common, and cycles of poverty and ignorance get repeated.
  • Our implementing partner is working to provide support to many of these young people in Mbale, seeking to steer them towards better pathways as they approach adulthood.

Expected Life Change

  • Children gain a sense of worth and significance.
  • Children are taught crucial life lessons and shown alternative ways to live.
  • Families are strengthened through provision of training to parents.
Project Code: UGA-JEN-CCM-N01