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Just released! Year in Review 2023/24 – READ HERE

Life-Changing Education








1.424 billion

Human Dev Index:

#132 (Aus #5)
Budget $

Fully Funded

Project Timeline


This project will help our partners to continue running 9 of their total 18 literacy centres and extend the work of increasing computer literacy in these schools. This is a continuation of previous support Entrust has given to this literacy and computer program. This project will support the 9 literacy centres for a one-year period and includes the introduction of 10 new computers to these communities.

Why support this

There is strong local community ownership in every one of the communities that our partner works in. The local leadership groups are consulted when the projects are established. In seven communities, individuals have donated land to build schools and community centres. Many local community members volunteer their services for free and well as employed staff. Our partners have almost 10 years’ experience of running successful programs in literacy. Credibility is evidenced by the rapid expansion into new communities who are inviting our partners to run projects in their villages.

Objectives Include

  • Most of the rural communities where these 9 centres are being run either do not have functioning schools, or the dalit children are not able to access the existing schools because of caste discrimination. 
  • The people are very poor and are from labouring, farming, begging or rag picking communities.

Expected Life Change

  • Children will grow in their ability to read and write.
  • Children grow in their awareness that they can dream of doing more than their parents.
  • Computer literacy enables the children to eventually find employment that prides reasonable salaries.
Project Code: IND-RES-LCE-P01

Project reports


