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Rope Bridge Re-build – Myanmar (Burma)




Myanmar (Burma)


Economic Empowerment


54.4 million

Human Dev Index:

#149 (Aus #5)
Budget $

Fully Funded

Project Timeline


This project is designed to replace the current bridge in Sine Gyi Taung Village, in North-West Myanmar, making it larger and safer. The current bridge is 17 years old and is used by 10 villages as the only place to cross the river in this region.   This bridge is no longer safe, causing a number of fatalities already. The new bridge will be 200 feet in length and 5 feet wide. 3.5 tones of wood will be needed for the length, 1 tone for the width and 1.5 tones of wood for reinforcement under the bridges walk way. Rope used will be the strength of 3 ropes twisted together, to provide greater safety on the sides of the bridge. Wood will also be used to enclose the sides of the bridge making a safe walk way.

Why support this

Locals will be constructing the bridge, this empowers them to re build their own communities & provides a wage, and increases their ownership and therefore care and appreciation of the new bridge.  The villages around this bridge are all extremely poor and have been visited by a series of misfortunes in recent times.  Rebuilding the bridge will empower the local community and enable them to see that they can improve their lives.

Objectives Include

  • Unfortunately the current bridge is very hazardous for the local’s usage, particularly in the wet season and for women and children.
  • This is due to rotting wood that can allow for people to fall though whilst crossing.
  • Also in the wet season at times the river rises higher than the bridge and there is the chance of being swept downstream.
  • A local leader reported three fatalities that he was aware of in one wet season alone.

Expected Life Change

  • Increased safety and ability to travel between villages.
  • Potential for a higher standard of living and income opportunity.
  • Sense of empowerment and restoration of a sense of dignity and worth.
Project Code: MMR-OMM-ROP-N01