School in the Clouds - Year 3
1.424 billionHuman Dev Index:
#132 (Aus #5)Dec 24
Tehri Garwhal is situated in Northern India, high up in the Himalayas. It is an extremely remote area, with poor infrastructure. School opportunities are limited. The local families are very poor which usually means that children do not receive an education. The closest government school is so far away, the youngest children cannot travel the distance by themselves. Our partners have established a school for a growing number of children who would otherwise not receive an education. The school started in 2014 with 4 students and currently has more than 60 students from pre-nursery to fifth class. Starting school at the right age and progressing through the years can potentially break the cycle of poverty for so many families.
Why support this
Our implementing partner has worked with the community to identify what they see as their most pressing needs – education, better health and economic empowerment. The community requested the school and over the past 7 years they have been dedicated in making sure their children attend. The quality of the education is high, and the children are making great progress in catching up to age-appropriate standards after years of neglect. We love that the community itself now has a bigger vision than just educating their children and that they want to improve the healthcare and economic prospects for everyone.
$14,200 for year 3 of a 3 yr project. Total budget $42,600.
Objectives Include
- English medium education for 60+ village children
- Family counselling and parent meetings
- Online and onsite lessons as permitted
- Monthly teacher training
Expected Life Change
- Children are empowered through primary education, able to communicate in English and improve future opportunities
- Equal access to education for girls and boys leads to better job options for all and a more equal society
- A community more actively engaged in educating children and aware of its importance in alleviating poverty