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Just released! Year in Review 2023/24 – READ HERE

Stop Trafficking Now - Chiang Mai - Year 3






Combatting Trafficking


69.8 million

Human Dev Index:

#66 (Aus #5)
Total 3 Year Budget: $105000
Year 3 Budget $35000


Year 3 Project Timeline

Mar 23

Mar 24


This project builds upon previous projects supported by Entrust Foundation to help fight trafficking in Thailand. It leverages our partner’s partnership with Thai law enforcement, anti-trafficking organisations and faith communities to make a significant and targeted impact in preventing child trafficking in one of Thailand’s major hot spots. Prevention campaigns will be conducted targeting migrant children, villages/schools in northern and eastern Thailand and schools in urban areas. This project supports outreach events together with three Trafficking Prevention staff. It will continue to optimise its on-line presence as traffickers shift their methods to coerce and trap children.

Why support this

Our implementing partner has extensive experience in trafficking prevention, rescue and restoration. On a visit in early 2020 we were very impressed with many exciting breakthroughs and plans. Our partners work along the full spectrum of trafficking, with this project expanding the work further afield to identified problem areas. They work closely with the government and are well respected internationally and locally for their work. It is evident that our partners are leaders in the fight against trafficking and have made significant progress since their work started in Thailand in 2003.


$35,000 for year 3 of a 3yr project. Total budget $105,000.

Objectives Include

  • Two prevention campaigns per month
  • 8-10,000 children reached through on-line programs
  • Salaries for 3 staff (Prevention Team)
  • Develop resources for on-line and radio

Expected Life Change

  • Communities empowered to avoid traffickers and their snares
  • Increased likelihood of people rescued from trafficked situations due to increased awareness
  • Reduction in number of people trafficked
  • Children will have the confidence and networks to recognise the dangers and will feel empowered to push back against risky situations
Project Code: THA-ZOE-STN-P03

Project reports








