Strengthening Health and Hygiene - Sekong Province, Southern Laos - Year 2
Water & SanitationPopulation:
7.28 millionHuman Dev Index:
#140 (Aust #5)Jan 19
Our partners have been working with and living alongside the poorest village people in southern Laos for twenty years. Entrust is funding the WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) part of a large project in this area. This provides 4 villages with a proper source of clean water, latrines for most households and hygiene education and training in maintaining the latrine and water system. These four villages were selected because water borne infections are most prevalent here and the water and sanitation equipment is the least developed.
Why support this
Our partner is working with the village community leaders and provides a water expert to assist the village in needs assessment, planning and construction work. The community is involved at every stage of the project. A committee has been created and is being trained throughout the project. These leaders have started an accounting system in the village, are organising the construction work, and learning about maintenance. Similar projects have been implemented already in the same province with great success, especially in terms of ownership by the population.
This is a 3-year project with a total budget of $104,000. The budget for year 2 is $42,500.
Objectives Include
- Due to remote access and bad road conditions, these people are forgotten in the process of development.
- When our partners did a preliminary survey of this area, the main problem mentioned by the population was the lack of a functioning water and sanitation system.
Expected Life Change
- 60% of the households in these target villages will have treated, drinking water in their homes.
- 80% of the village people will have access to an improved water source close to their homes.
- People in these villages will have access to latrines and the education to understand why sanitation and hygiene is so important for the health of their families. This will lead to a decrease in diarrhea and other water borne diseases and an increase in health and productivity.