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Supporting Students in Healthcare - Year 15








89.6 million

Human Dev Index:

#179 (Aus #5)
Total 3 Year Budget: $75,000
Year 3 Budget $28,000

Fully Funded

Year 3 Project Timeline

Dec 23

Dec 24


The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a really difficult place to live. Life expectancy is low and trained health professionals are rare, particularly outside the capital city. Training general practitioners (7 years) and nursing staff (4 years) in one of the worst-affected areas will bring about long-term benefits to this African nation. The project co- funds medical/nursing students in their second year of study onwards, once students have proven their commitment and reliability. Funding covers up to 90% of the cost of a year’s tuition after Year 1, so that students also contribute to the cost of their education. Year 3 begins 1/12/23.

Why support this

DRC needs more locally trained healthcare workers to rebuild the nation and serve its people. DRC is a nation fraught with political instability, riots and senseless violence. Rape and gender-based sexual violence is often used to destabilise communities. The hospital specialises in the treatment of traumatised women. DRC has 0.11 physicians per 1,000 compared with Australia's 0.25 per 1,000, and 0.5 nurses compared to Australia's 10 per 1,000. The need is huge.


$28,000 for 1 yr project.

Objectives Include

  • 16 doctors to be trained each year
  • 12 nurses to be trained annually
  • Up to 90% of funds to support students from Year 2
  • Some doctors and nurses to finish as qualified graduates annually

Expected Life Change

  • Committed and competent medical staff will be released to attend to people’s healthcare needs, with subsequent improvement in the health of the entire community
  • The traumas of war and instability can begin to be healed, leading to restoration at a personal and community level
  • Students will be trained in a vocation that will provide income and skills to look after their own people
Project Code: COD-PAN-SSH-P15