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Just released! Year in Review 2023/24 – READ HERE

Water for Idjwi - Democratic Republic of Congo






Water & Sanitation


89.6 million

Human Dev Index:

#179 (Aus #5)
Budget $

Fully Funded

Project Timeline

May 17

May 18


This project will fund six new water sources on the island of Idjwi on Lake Kivu, one per village.  Currently each village has no clean water, and cholera and other water related diseases are prevalent.  Women and children also spend a long time each day collecting what little water they can, mostly from unclean sources.  Along with the new water sources our partner will also teach the villages about sanitation and hygiene, further reducing the rate of water-related illnesses.  Water management committees will also be set up, and taught how to maintain and repair the water sources, as well as how to run as a committee.

Why support this

Our partner has already provided clean water to a number of other villages across the island of Idjwi so is experienced in this work.  While the need in Idjwi is severe, they have identified the six worst villages to work in, where disease levels are the highest.  The local communities also contribute resources and labour towards the project, giving them a strong sense of ownership.


The budget is $USD10,991 and funds will be used towards material for the water sources and conducting the training.  Each village will contribute towards the cost of the water source by providing stones and sand and helping construct the water source.

Objectives Include

  • DRC has high rates of poverty and limited infrastructure after decades of civil unrest. Idjwi exemplifies this. 
  • Most economic activity is in the informal space, and subsistence agriculture provides most food. 
  • Transport and communications are limited on the island. 
  • After malaria, diseases related to drinking unclean water are the biggest health problem on the island.

Expected Life Change

  • Improved health for six villages as a result of access to clean water
  • Reduction in the burden for women and children of having to walk long distances to collect water – this should mean more children in school, and women can spend more time on income generating activities
  • Communities empowered to look after their own needs, through establishing and maintaining water management committees
Project Code: COD-ADB-WAT-P01

Project reports


