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Wish for Water




Myanmar (Burma)


Water & Sanitation


54.4 million

Human Dev Index:

#149 (Aus #5)
Budget $

Fully Funded

Project Timeline


This project will be working with two organisations across multiple locations in Myanmar to deliver water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) training to needy villages. Improving water and providing people with knowledge to change their behaviour leads to decreased sickness, improved quality of life, increased school attendance for children and increased earning capacity and disposable income (through not having to purchase water).

Why support this

Our implementing partner has an ability to identify key people in communities and organisations and generously invests time, money and resources in order to see those people released into their potential. Not only will WASH training be delivered, but people will be empowered and given tools to improve their lives.

Objectives Include

  • The areas where our partner will be working are areas where very few other non-government organisations are working and where government services are limited.
  • There is a need to train up locals in these locations for them to be able to reach out and teach their own communities about WASH, and to help those same communities improve their access to clean and safe water.
  • Through strategic connections and train the trainer sessions, locals will be able to pass on their skills and knowledge for years to come.

Expected Life Change

  • Empowered locals with skills to assist many communities in the area of WASH.
  • Increased access to safe and clean water.
  • Improved knowledge and behaviour around hygiene, leading to improved health, increased school attendance and improved incomes.
Project Code: MMR-LWD-WFW-D01