Overview: Our partners work in eight slums in Phnom Penh with families and children not yet in school. They follow these children through their full circle, which for some is to University and beyond. This project is part of our partner’s Education Program and...
Overview: This project allows our partners to continue their outreach during the evenings in the red-light district of Phnom Penh. The Cambodian Government has told our partner that new cases of child sex trafficking are occurring in this district and at night. To...
OVERVIEW This project is a holistic program offering support to 350 girls aged 12 to 17 to attend school and grow in confidence. It encourages girls to stay at school and educates families about the harm of leaving school at a young age to earn an income. The girls...
OVERVIEW This is our seventh year working with this amazing implementing partner! The project is providing communities, local schools and individual families in rural Cambodia with access to safe and clean water. Each year the project will provide 30 pump wells, 400...