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Drink and Live

Drink and Live

OVERVIEW Our implementing partners are working with 75 of the poorest villages in southern Kalimantan to provide clean water, sanitation and hygiene. In each village the idea is to undertake appropriate surveying before training and working with the villagers to build...
Water for Life

Water for Life

OVERVIEW This is the first phase of a WASH project in West Timor providing household water from a known water source to points near each home in the community. In addition to this, our partners will assist the community to increase awareness, understanding and...
Hohidiai Community Development – Year 1

Hohidiai Community Development – Year 1

OVERVIEW Working in a remote and needy part of Indonesia our partners provide a day clinic, hospital care, tuberculosis and leprosy clinic and a treatment centre for victims of HIV/AIDS.  A small farm is being developed offering agricultural training and food security...
Teenager Education and Protection

Teenager Education and Protection

OVERVIEW The province of North Maluku was subject to religious and ethnic conflict in 1999 and many people were killed and displaced as a result. Health care services remain at a minimum. Working in a remote and needy part of Indonesia, our partners provide support,...
Borneo Community Development – Kalimantan

Borneo Community Development – Kalimantan

OVERVIEW Our partners create and implement comprehensive engineering solutions to the life-threatening challenges experienced daily by the local people of Borneo. Through innovation and partnership, they help forge new concepts in a culturally appropriate manner with...