Our powerful partnership – Nikki Capp, CEO
February 2024
Happy New Year Entrust family! Astonishingly, it is already the end of Feb! We hope you had the blessing of some rest over the break, and like us, feel revived for another year of opportunity. As we launch into a new phase in the life of Entrust, I’ve been reflecting on a quote by Eugene Veith, the founder of Entrust:
We believe that institutional sin and oppressive, corrupt structures in society must be challenged, and that justice must be supported in all places. We want to see real change so that people are released from cycles of poverty and all its related problems while they are being nurtured in faith. (An Ordinary Bloke, p92)
I’m challenged by Eugene’s twofold conviction and heart for not only the alleviation of poverty, but also fighting the systemic causes of injustice. This resonates with my own heart, so as we begin to envision the next phase for Entrust, I look forward to exploring, evolving, and sharing with you how we might press into partnerships and projects that progress reforming systems and structures which keep the people we are already serving, enslaved in poverty.
Our year started with visits to partners in Cambodia and Laos and I was humbled and inspired to see their selfless service firsthand. I was deeply impacted by the tough work investigating paedophiles who prowl the streets of Phnom Pen, grooming their young victims. You are part of the fight against this crime, and the restoration of hope and a future to children and families living in abject poverty, who get sucked into this dark web. We hope you gain more insight as you read through this new combined Entrust Update/Kingdom Impact Report.
Thank you for your partnership with us in enabling our partners on the ground to bring real transformation in the lives of the people and communities in which they work. We only work with local partners who are Christians, passionate about the communities they serve, and committed to the long, hard journey to enable people to lift themselves out of poverty. This is a protracted slow process with many challenges, but we’re committed to journeying with our partners through real, enduring relationships. We love that they lead and innovate in their local context, they listen and learn from the communities they serve, and together we support initiatives that local people want to implement to improve their own lives.
Entrust has always been, and will remain, all about relationships – in fact this is our first and highest core value:
JESUS CHRIST IS AT THE CENTER of who we are and all we do, and we leverage TRUSTING RELATIONSHIPS to deliver on our mission:
- With our Local Program Partners who live among the poorest of the poor in the marginalised corners of the world
- And with our Supporter Partners who want generosity and giving to impact positive sustainable change for the poorest of the poor
We can’t do this without you, our supporters. Without your trust, financial investment and prayer support, the work in hard places could not happen. As you read this update, know that you are a part of these stories. We welcome your feedback, questions, desire for deeper connection with any of the projects, and as always, we invite you to pray.
At month five in my role, I am gaining a richer understanding of our projects, our partners and our supporters. I plan to meet as many Entrust supporters as possible over the next year, but if you would like to schedule time with me before I make contact with you – please do! I am keen to get to know you and explore how we can best serve your heart and desire for generosity and giving.
Enjoy this short update, check out more on our website and socials, and be assured that you really are making a difference to the poor and marginalised in hard places through your enduring partnership with Entrust.