Everyone can help someone.
Aussies are a generous bunch, even when times are tough. In 2024, we ranked 8th in the World Giving Index that rates 142 countries across the areas of helping a stranger, donating money and volunteering time.
At the start of this new year you may have considered, to a greater or lesser extent, your aspirations for 2025. What do you want to accomplish or change? Did this include your generosity goals?
If you need convincing, the science is in. Humans are wired to be generous. It is good for our health and wellbeing, makes us more attractive, increases the ‘feel good’ chemicals in our brains and it’s infectious! Sounds like it should be on everyone’s agenda. There is so much need in the world and we can all do something.
When forecasting generosity goals, we would like to encourage you to think local, national and global.
Of course, poverty is challenging no matter where you live, but developing countries battle with greater inequality, more internal conflict, corruption, poor governance and less access to basic human necessities. They need our help.
We are fortunate to live in a developed country where extreme poverty doesn’t exist. In order for that to be the case everywhere, it is imperative to share our resources with effective poverty relief efforts.
Giving globally has worldwide impact and effects the 700 million people living on less than $2.15 a day. Here are three reasons why it’s a great idea (we could give you more):
- Giving globally means your dollar goes further! In the poorest parts of the world, your donation has a much larger value than it would in Australia. You would be amazed at how a donation of only a few dollars can impact someone living in extreme poverty.
- The reality is that there is a huge gap in funding global crises. Australia currently allocates only 0.19% of gross national income to foreign aid, making us one of the least generous countries in the world when it comes to foreign aid per capita. Most Aussies incorrectly believe it is a much larger portion of our federal budget but you can help stand in that gap.
- Giving overseas actually helps Australia too. Lifting the global economy creates new markets and investing in development helps individuals provide for themselves and their families. Life-changing support enables people to lift themselves out of poverty and invest in their communities, reducing the need for ongoing assistance.
So, when considering how you can be generous in 2025, it can be helpful to make a plan, because not many things happen by accident.
Think about a cause you care about. Consider how you can be generous locally, nationally and globally. Take people on the journey with you. Spread the generosity and give together, because life is always more fun with friends. If you find yourself overwhelmed with the need around the world, remember “we can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone”. Start somewhere.
In the words of our founder, Eugene Veith, “Don’t wait to give until you think you have enough, start with what you have”.