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Just released! Year in Review 2023/24 – READ HERE

Equipping The Next Generation




Myanmar (Burma)




54.4 million

Human Dev Index:

#149 (Aus #5)
Budget $

Fully Funded

Project Timeline


After years of civil war, communities and villages are slowly rebuilding in Myanmar. This project aims to assist a growing community by updating and expanding the primary school, allowing more children to attend, and creating better conditions for learning. This village is a new village, and has rapidly expanded as people are drawn to the area and grab the chance to settle down and build a new life. The original  school was built by the community when they were expecting to be much smaller, and is now no longer large enough for the population.  In addition, the school is one large room with grades 1 to 7 all next to one another with no partitions.  Building new buildings will allow for separate spaces and better learning outcomes.

Why support this

Our Project Manager has met with the community, and was impressed by their vision and determination to build a new life. The community is doing a lot for itself already, and is committed to ongoing improvements. Education is a key to a better life, and updating the primary school will enable more children to receive a better education.


The overall budget is AUD$11,810 (307,000 Thai Baht at 26 THB: 1AUD) which will provide for roofing, wood and other building materials. Entrust is being asked to contribute $6,000 towards this, with the rest being raised elsewhere, or provided through contributions in kind by the community.

Objectives Include

  • The civil war in Myanmar lasted 60 years.
  • Entire generations grew up without schooling and living precarious lives.
  • With peace now in its fourth year, the need is to build villages with appropriate infrastructure including schools and medical clinics, and provide the basics, which will enable people to empower themselves and build better lives.

Expected Life Change

  • Increased access to primary education, which provides children with alternatives for the future.
  • Increased capacity means more children will gain an education and more families will have an opportunity to break out of poverty.
  • Further development of a sense of community pride in a fairly new village settled mostly by internally displaced people.
Project Code: MMR-HOP-TLO-N01

Project reports


