Preventing On-line Trafficking - Year 1
Combatting TraffickingPopulation:
16.9 MillionHuman Dev Index:
#146 (Aus #5)Oct 24
Online Child Sexual Exploitation (OCSE) is a massive, rapidly growing issue with 38% of girls in Phnom Penh exposed to live streaming child sexually abusive material. We know that awareness and behaviour change can make a difference, preventing online sexual abuse that destroys lives, and we know that teenage girls and young women are most influenced by their peers. This project will empower a network of girls and young women to be "agents of change" who are actively sharing information and advice to their peers. They will train and support these change agent volunteers to run online awareness-raising campaigns, equip them with computer literacy classes and motivate them by being able to get diploma and bachelor certificates for their service, impact and learning as agents of change.
Why support this
OCSE can destroy lives - our partners support girls who have PTSD, who are being blackmailed to provide sexual materials, who are living with crushing shame and fear. This is preventable at a fraction of the cost of trying to rebuild shattered lives. Adults telling teenagers what to do has very limited impact - creating a peer group where there is hope and a strong positive identity is a powerful tool for change. Change agents can reach hundreds of school peers directly and thousands of peers through social media.
$31,000 for year 1 of a 3yr project. Total budget $124,000.
Objectives Include
- 240 girls trained to run online and offline campaigns
- 175 girls have computer literacy and service-learning degree certificates
- 48 campaigns reach 500,000 girls with messages to prevent OCSE
- Formation of a peer- led, sustainable, volunteer movement
Expected Life Change
- Change Agents grow in their capacity, creativity, challenge and connection to be everyday heroes who can protect others as they grow as leaders.
- Girls in Cambodia know how to, are motivated to and actively protect themselves from online sexual exploitation and abuse.