Training National Leadership
276.8 millionHuman Dev Index:
#114 (Aus #5)Overview
Halmahera is the largest island in the Maluku Islands located in Eastern Indonesia. 1999/2000 was an unsettled time in this region and though the region is now peaceful there are still thousands of people displaced from this period and living in extreme poverty. Our partner organisation, Hohidiai, have built a medical clinic that sees up to 10,000 patients a year providing free medical, dental and eye care to the poor. An in-patient facility has been built containing 16 beds and a birthing center. A Children’s Home has been opened where over 35 children who have been either abandoned or orphaned are being cared for. A leprosy treatment center has been established for those who have been infected with leprosy to receive long-term care. Hohidiai are committed to training and equipping local Indonesian staff to carry on this vital work. Steve Suatan has shown strong leadership and a high level of integrity in his current responsibilities at Hohidiai. With a good head for finance the next step for him is to be trained as an accountant. Investing in Steve and other local Indonesians committed to the work of Hohidiai will ensure the vital work continues to thrive.
Why support this
Hohidiai is committed to developing self-sustaining programs and part of that is to ensure local Indonesians are trained for the continuing work of Hohidiai. Hohidiai currently have over 80 staff most of whom are local Indonesians. Local staff receive expert training through skilled trainers who are brought to Indonesia. Several staff have also been placed in higher education - currently there are 4 Indonesian staff in Medical School, 6 in nursing training, 2 studying midwifery, 2 dental students and 1 pharmacist. Steve Suartan is someone the founders of Hohidiai believe is an excellent candidate for leaderhip training because of his integrity and dedication to the work at Hohidiai.
Objectives Include
- Hohidiai need qualified local staff who are committed to their work.
- Qualifications cost money, and local wages are low.
- This results in a Catch 22 situation - how to get dedicated and qualified staff from the region?
- The need is therefore to support dedicated staff get the education they need.
- $5000 per year is a low cost to train an accountant and get dedicated, professional local staff who can then serve their own people.
Expected Life Change
- Steve will be appropriately skilled to serve his people through working at Hohidiai.
- The local community will be encouraged to believe that they have leadership skills and abilities.
- Hohidiai will be placed on a more sustainable footing with local people in positions of leadership.