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Generosity Goals 2025
Everyone can help someone. Aussies are a generous bunch, even when times are tough. In 2024, we ranked 8th in the World Giving Index that rates 142 countries across the areas of helping a stranger, donating money and volunteering time. At the start of this new...

No longer ashamed
This is Mony's story. Mony is 10 years old and in grade 4. His mother works at a shop selling water, his father is a tuk tuk driver and they live in a rented room. Government funded schools in Cambodia run for 4 hours a day, either in the morning or afternoon....

Clean water brings joy
This is Mr Putu's story. Mr. Putu was born blind and lives in a poor village in remote Indonesia. Until very recently, his village had no access to clean water, relying solely on unhealthy runoff from rice fields. The only alternative was a ravine more than 1km...

Sell-out Women’s event!
Tickets sold out for our 3rd annual Women’s event in October! The room was abuzz with incredible women supporting and empowering others around the world.