Building for the Future - Year 2
1.424 billionHuman Dev Index:
#132 (Aus #5)Apr 24
Tehri Garwhal is situated in Northern India, high up in the Himalayas. It is an extremely remote area with poor infrastructure and limited access to schooling. Entrust currently supports a school, established in 2014, for a growing number of children who would otherwise not receive an education. A transitional building was constructed in 2022 housing classrooms, a staff room, a principal’s office, partially completed washrooms, a computer laboratory and a small library. Once permanent classrooms are erected on the new site, this transitional building will become a multi-use facility for assemblies, sports and other school activities and will be integrated into the overall development of the new school facility. This second year of the project will complete Stage 1 of the school's transitional building. A 330ft long retaining wall behind the main building, which was unable to be constructed in Year 1 due to inflation and price hikes in raw materials and labour, will be constructed. The 5 toilets for the students will be completed and water pipes will be laid.
Why support this
The community requested the school and over the past 7 years they have been dedicated in making sure their children attend. The quality of the education is high, and the children are making great progress in catching up to age-appropriate standards after years of neglect. The land where the school has been built was donated by locals and the title has been transferred to our locally registered organisation. The community is covering a portion of the retaining wall to be built behind the school and will contribute in-kind labour and some raw materials.
$35,000 for year 2 of a 2 yr project. Total budget $65,000.