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Hot off the press! Read our 2023 Year in Review

Educating Children in Remote Villages - Northern India








1.424 billion

Human Dev Index:

#132 (Aus #5)
Budget $

Fully Funded

Project Timeline


Tehri Garwhal is situated in Northern India, high up in the Himalayas.  It is an extremely remote area, with poor infrastructure.  School opportunities are limited - most schools are far away and the poverty of the local families means that many children do not receive an education.  Our partners have established a school for a growing number of children who would otherwise not receive education. The school currently has 6 grades (two pre-school classes, a kindergarten class and grades 1 – 3) with 35 children.  Next school year they hope to have 55.  The school is planning to reach Grade Five as students progress through the years.

Why support this

This school meets a very real need in the community.  The children here are young, and cannot travel the distance to the next closest school.  If they don’t start school at the right time, they never attend.  By growing a school in their midst, the children can start school at the right age, and have the potential to break the cycle of poverty.


Entrust funds will cover the cost of some of the teaching staff.  Other donors will cover other costs and student fees will also contribute to the running of the school.  The cost of the project works out to be approximately $20 a month per student.

Objectives Include

  • Many people in the area surrounding the school are illiterate farmers doing their best to make ends meet. 
  • With small incomes, they cannot afford to send their children to distant schools. 
  • Often, they also need their children to work on the farm. 
  • A local school will enable children to get an education and still help at home. 
  • By providing the children with an education, our partner is giving them a chance to break out of the poverty cycle.

Expected Life Change

  • Empowerment and sense of self-worth through education
  • An opportunity to gain a better career and break out of the poverty trap
  • Longer term a reduction in maternal and neo-natal mortality (a mother's education level is proven to reduce maternal and child death risks)
Project Code: IND-REJ-EDU-P01

Project reports


